Signed in as:
Signed in as:
New member enrollment happens 3 times a year in April, August, and December. You may apply to upgrade your membership to Pro or Signature Membership in April only. (Please note you must complete CGA's "Basic Training" and be an Artisan Member before you can apply to upgrade to Pro or Signature. From time to time we have special enrollment for events some limitations may apply and special enrollment is not guaranteed at each event.
To remain a member you must pay dues yearly.
Make sure to stay up to date with enrollment and other announcements by signing up for our newsletter and join our waitlist.
When you join CGA™ you become a part of a thriving and supportive community, dedicated to supporting you and promoting female western artists and makers. In addition to our community, membership comes with several perk and benefits.
All Members (Not juried)
⭐️ CGA's "Call for Art Calendar." This calendar features dates for art shows, exhibits, and sales; along with reminders about deadlines to apply!
⭐️ Members only Career Growth meetups
⭐️ Our continually growing, member's only resource pages
⭐️ Receive discounts on workshops, digital downloads, coaching, and many of CGA's calls for art..
⭐️ Bonus opportunities for joining podcast interviews and meetings with professionals.
⭐️ Playback opportunities for past meetings and podcast bonus material, and more!
Signature Membership and Pro Membership, which are juried tiers, come with additional benefits. (See next FAQ)
CGA’s membership is a bit different than what people are used to because our mission, “to increase opportunities representation of female western artists,” is at the forefront of what we do. When you become a part of CGA you are supporting that important mission.
Basic Membership is required for all members. This means you have paid your yearly dues, and submitted applicable paperwork. All members get access to our private members-only community and resources. Education is a huge part of our mission. In order to reach our education goals, and help artists of all levels, we do not limit the number of basic level members, and the basic level membership is not juried. We believe that we increase opportunities and representation of cowgirl artists and makers when we help them with their business at the ground level.
Artisan Membership is the second tier in CGA. Artisan Members are members who have completed CGA's Basic Training. (Basic Training is a set of 4 workshops, covering two topics each. These are topics and skills that we believe are foundational for working as a professional artist. Therefore, you can not apply to the next two, juried, tiers without being an Artisan Member.) Artisan Members may use the Artisan Member badge
Pro Membership is a juried tier for artists working at a professional level. Pro Members may use the Pro Member badge and have extra advertising opportunities with CGA.
Signature Membership is a juried tier for artists working at high level. Becoming a Signature Member is a high honor and not easily attained. Signature Members have exhibited in well respected shows and venues, and have maintained a positive, professional presence, and exhibited a high degree of professionalism and skill. They have presented their work and Signature application to the jury and the jury has unanimously accepted them at this level. Signature Membership is not guaranteed and the process is stringent. The jury looks at every aspect of the artists application and works submitted. The jury also views the artists website and business social media pages to further evaluate professionalism and consistency of work. Many Signature Members applied multiple times before getting in. This is a membership level to strive for, not something that is given easily. Your application needs to be impeccable as errors or lack of professionalism on any portion of your application can result in denial of your application.
Signature Members get access to additional opportunities such as:
⭐️ Honor associated with this level of membership.
⭐️ Right to use CGA with your signature on your artwork.
⭐️ Named on our public Members pages with images of work and links to your website and Instagram.
⭐️ Profiled on our social media pages once a year.
⭐️ Special advertising opportunities for events and publications.
You must complete CGA's Basic Training and be an Artisan member before you can apply to juried tiers.
Pro Membership:
Artists hoping to become Pro Members must submit 5 pieces of work created within the last 2 years. The work does not need to be available for sale, but should be indicative of the artist's current style. Artist will also submit documentation showing their professional and exhibit history, along with an artist statement.
Artists are evaluated by a jury of 4, made up of 1-2 CGA team member and 2-3 Signature Members. Artwork submitted will be evaluated on its first impression, composition, style, technique, craftsmanship, and cohesiveness as a body of work. Further, traditional and realist work (elements in the work) will be evaluated on the accuracy of representation. Contemporary work will be evaluated on appearance of purposeful decision-making in composition and color choice. Jurors will also take into account professionalism of documentation provided, presentation of work (see below), and whether or not the artist followed submission instructions. Accepted artists receive a 3/4th vote
While Pro Membership requirements are not as stringent as Signature Membership we recommend that you present a professional well-crafted application with high quality images. If you are applying for "Professional" recognition we want to see that professionalism shine through.
Announcements and Feedback:
Artists who apply for Signature Membership will be notified via email within 30 days of the end of the application period.
CGA is in the business of helping artists learn and grow, so when we can, we share feedback or notes from the jury that could help you with future applications. If you are not admitted as a Pro Member and your rejection letter does not have specific feedback, it usually means that something on your application was done incorrectly or the work was not the level or type that the jury was looking for. Take this time to continue developing your work or fine tune your application. Just because you don't get in the first time doesn't mean you shouldn't try again.
Signature Membership:
Artists hoping to become Signature Members must submit 5 pieces of work created within the last 2 years. The work does not need to be available for sale, but should be indicative of the artist's current style. Artists will also submit documentation showing their professional and exhibit history, along with an artist statement.
Getting juried in as a Signature Member is a very high honor in CGA. It is a rigorous process. We expect the highest level of professionalism when submitting your application. We understand that tech issues happen, but artists who wait until the last minute to submit their application may not have access to tech help.
Many Signature Members have applied multiple times before getting accepted. Your application needs to be impeccable, as errors or lack of professionalism in any portion can prevent you from being accepted. It is further recommended that you take a look at the work of current Signature Members to see the level and type of work that is being accepted.
Jury process and evaluation:
Applications are reviewed by a jury of board members and jury committee members. Artwork submitted will be evaluated on its first impression, composition, style, technique, craftsmanship, and cohesiveness as a body of work. Further, traditional and realist work (elements in the work) will be evaluated on accuracy of representation. Contemporary work will be evaluated on appearance of purposeful decision-making in composition and color choice. Jurors will also take into account professionalism of documentation provided, presentation of work (see below), and whether or not the artist followed submission instructions. Remember, Signature Membership is a selective professional distinction. Approach your application with care and thoughtfulness. Artists whose application and submission are moved on in the process with have their website and social media (business pages) viewed with an eye toward professionalism and consistency in the work.
Images submitted should be clear, sharp, and well-lit. Submissions of 2-dimensional work should be of the work only. (Do not submit photos of the work displayed on a wall or with decorative background. Do not submit images of works behind glass. Do not submit images of works with the frame, unless the frame is a part of the piece itself. You should submit what you would send to a printer for a reproduction.) Artists working in 3 dimensional media should photograph their work in a professional manner. Backgrounds should not be distracting. Think about how can you show off your work in the best way. Artists submitting 3-dimensional work may be asked to submit additional photos, upon review.
Artists may be asked for additional documentation or information should the jury require it to make an informed decision.
Announcements and Feedback:
Artists who apply for Signature Membership will be notified via email within 30 days of the end of the application period.
CGA is in the business of helping artists learn and grow, so when we can, we share feedback or notes from the jury that could help you with future applications. If you are not admitted as a Signature Member and your rejection letter does not have specific feedback, it usually means that something on your application was done incorrectly or the work was not the level or type that the jury was looking for. Remember that many Signature Members applied multiple times. Take this time to continue developing your work or fine tune your application. Just because you don't get in the first time doesn't mean you shouldn't try again. Signature Member is something to strive for. We highly recommend that artists apply for Pro Membership before applying for Signature.
No, this is an application fee. It is what allows you to have your work and application presented for the jury process. Pro and Signature Member status is not guaranteed.
Please read the previous two FAQ for additional information.
Yes, you can! In fact we encourage that you take any feedback you received and apply again. Sometimes a few minor tweaks to your application will make a significant difference in your chance of acceptance. You can apply/reapply for Pro and Signature Membership in April.
Please remember if your membership lapses you will have to reapply for Pro or Signature Membership, and re-entrance is not guaranteed.
Yes! We'd love for you to join us! We have several international members.
Membership dues are $120 per year. That's only $10 per month!*
Cowgirl artists come in many forms. Some cowgirl artists are born into the cowgirl lifestyle, riding horses and doctoring cattle from an early age, some come into the lifestyle later on, and still others are artists who represent the cowgirl lifestyle and the places and animals she knows and loves.
Cowgirl Artists of America supports them all.
Yes! If you want to be a part of this fantastic community we are thrilled to have you. Our artists range from fine artists to silversmiths, from sculptors to bootmakers and more. The western genre, the media it encompasses, and the media used to depict it are vast. Please note that we do not accept artists working with AI to create AI generated images, aka "AI art."
CGA™ was founded to support women artist working in the western genre. That genre is vast, and includes all fine art mediums, many styles, and traditional western gear, craft, and indigenous arts. The western art genre has continued to expand further and further into contemporary and expressionistic work. Additionally, many artist representing rural landscapes and animals are included in this genre. If you are certain your art is not western in nature, but you support our mission and would like to join you can do so. Many of the resources we provide will be helpful to any artist, but be aware that we only promote western art and artists/makers, and our resources are geared specifically to western art opportunities. Further, only artists in the western genre can apply for juried membership tiers.
Your membership is due in full at time of joining. Dues enable you access to member benefits for one full year. To stay a member you will need to pay your dues each year. The system is automated, but we highly recommend that you set a reminder on your calendar to ensure that your payment information is up-to-date. Our system sends out multiple reminder via email and within the member space. Dues are non-refundable. If your membership lapses you can rejoin at the next enrollment period, but please be aware that you will lose Pro or Signature Member Status if you had it before. You will need to reapply and acceptance is not guaranteed.
You will need to pay your dues yearly. Periodically you may be asked to submit simplified renewal paperwork to keep your membership active. As long as your membership remains active you do not need to "reapply."
If you let your membership lapse, by not paying your dues during the applicable enrollment period you will have to reapply. If you were a Pro or Signature Member you will need to reapply for Pro or Signature Member and go through the jury process again. Entry as a Pro or Signature Member is not guaranteed, even if you had Pro or Signature status in the past.
CGA™ is a social entrepreneurship.
"Social Entrepreneurship is an approach by individuals, groups, start-up companies or entrepreneurs, in which they develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues. This concept may be applied to a wide range of organizations, which vary in size, aim, and beliefs... For-profit entrepreneurs typically measure performance using business metrics like profit, revenues and increases in stock prices. Social entrepreneurs, however, are either non-profits, or they blend for-profit goals with generating a positive 'return to society.'" (wikipedia)
We believe that setting a firm foundation is necessary for artist to be successful long-term. Basic training represents skills, knowledge, and mindsets that every artist should know. They are also based on many common problems we see holding artists back.
At CGA we believe we are better together. If you are a male artist who supports our mission you are welcome to join.
If you received a rejection, congratulations! You're in GOOD company! Seriously! Whatever successful artist you can imagine has most likely faced more rejections and challenges than you'd ever know. Rejection is part of the process. It comes in many forms, from a gallery patron not purchasing your work, to not being juried into a show, and more.
One of the biggest things that sets successful artists apart from unsuccessful artists is perseverance and a growth mindset.
Rejection can be so common that some artists even make it a part of their yearly goal to receive x number of rejections! You know why? Because, if they are getting rejections it means they are putting themselves out there. They are acknowledging that rejections are just part of it, and they are developing a way to approach rejection with acceptance and not let it hold them back.
If you are a CGA member who has not yet completed your Basic Training go check that training out. There is a section specifically on dealing with rejection.
Now, that being said we at CGA have witnessed a wide variety a responses and we want to share some tips and trick with you.
1st: FEELINGS: It's okay to feel those feelings. Rejections can hit you in the gut. They can make you cry. They can make you feel like giving up. And when you get rejection after rejection after rejection, (yes, you aren't the only one) it can feel discouraging. It's okay to feel whatever you are feeling. Naming what feeling your are experiencing can be helpful. It is so simple, but can take out some of the sting somehow. "I am feeling ____."
2nd: PROFESSIONALISM: Remember you are a professional (or you want to be one) and you should continue to behave professionally. If you behave in rude or unprofessional way it will make you look bad and people will remember. If you need to get some big feelings out, go for a walk or run, talk to your bestie, do some yoga, ride your horse. Don't blame it on other people, act unprofessionally, make assumptions, or try to belittle artists who got in.
3rd: FEEDBACK: Seriously consider any feedback you were given. Feedback is a generous gift and a gift that you don't always get. If you don't agree, don't argue, just thank the person for the feedback and move on. (Sometimes, after thinking on it for a bit, you will find that there was wisdom you didn't see in the feedback when your feelings were fresh.) You can ask (nicely) for feedback. Most of the time show organizers and/or jurors will not offer this. Feedback is a burdensome and time consuming task, especially for opportunities that receive a lot of entries. If your point of contact has no feedback to give or no additional information don't be rude to them. Thank them for there time and remind yourself that feedback is a generous gift and not usually provided.
4th: REALITY: Remind yourself that you don't know (unless you received personal feedback) why you were "rejected." Rejections can literally come down to lack of space, or a minor detail to break a tie. Don't take it personally. Take a look at your application and see if there is anything that can be improved. Not sure? As a friend. Now, repeat after me, "I don't know why I was rejected. It isn't a personal attack. It doesn't mean I'm a terrible artist. I WILL keep making art. I WILL keep growing. I Will keep trying"
5th: SMART CHOICES: While you don't know why you were rejected it's always good to try and make smart decisions for what you apply for. For example, if you are pretty new to art and you just finished your CGA Basic Training and want to apply for Signature Membership... Don't do it! We are clear this is a very high honor and a stringent process. As a new artist it is highly unlikely that you'd be juried in at this level. Instead try applying for Pro Membership. Read a prospectus fully, and look at the work in previous shows before you apply to see if it could be a good fit. Get more tips here.
Please send us an email.
*CGA™ is committed to ongoing improvement and expansion. Therefore as we develop, the structure and cost of membership may change in the future. CGA™ is committed to communicating these changes openly and clearly before they happen. Our ultimate goal is to create a sustainable future for our community and our ability to provide education, resources, and promotion for cowgirl artists and makers.
Copyright © 2025 Cowgirl Artists of America - All Rights Reserved.
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